Sunday, August 10, 2008

Crime stories without information

Someone may have been arrested somewhere in town after a store may have been robbed.

Can you imagine reading headlines or stories with no actual information? It happened recently in Buffalo, NY when the Buffalo Police Department removed important crime information from a database that reporters have access to.

I don't understand the reason behind police wanting to hide information, especially in regards to crimes, from the public. Police are supposed to protect and inform citizens in whatever way they deem possible.

In the article, David J. Krajicek, a longtime police reporter, gave his feedback on the situation. “The five W’s and the H are questions that police reporters have been asking for 200 years or more,” he said. “For the Buffalo police to deny those answers runs counter to every trend that has been happening in law enforcement.”

The mayor of Buffalo indicated that he had not been aware of the situation, but as soon as it was brought to his attention, he ordered the police to restore the information.

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