Sunday, July 13, 2008

Politics, Religion and the Media?

What has America come to when we decide who our president will be based on who he decides on who his pastor is? The media certainly thinks it should.

Yes, religion is important. Yes, it is an important part of society. And yes, it is does reflect on who a person is. But, just because a person identifies someone as his pastor, should that mean that they also assume all responsibility going forward for that pastor and his actions?

In the
Running on Faith article released Jul. 10 on the Pew Forum, it states, "Obama’s decisions to relinquish his membership with Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ and to sever ties with its controversial former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, could influence voters’ opinions of him, especially since he is a relatively new figure in national politics."

Journalists are always looking for a new twist, a different kind of story or something that has yet to be reported on. They dig for dirt on all parties involved, especially in a presidential campaign. They give voters scenarios to ponder, as in the case of Obama and Rev. Wright.

I have people I trust and who I believe in. There are people I would say support me. However, if that trusted person decides to take actions that I don't necessarily approve or have any control of, I would hope that it wouldn't reflect negatively on me.

So, as long as I stay out of the spotlight and journalists don't have a story to tell about me, I won't let the people in my life influence others opinions of me.

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